Matlab Readmatrix Alternative Note, this pattern replaces an inbuilt matlab that was written for use with the iMatlab Test. It’s still available on GitHub. Getting Started Install iMatlab or a version of iMatlab in your projects that supports the Test. You’ll have to start an iMatlab-Studio install by running sudo apt-get install iMatlab mcabal install mcabal-libs Then, try editing the xargs file in your projects and let iMatlab find the corresponding Matlab source file that will be automatically generated every time you use the iMatlab code. To show iMatlab in a new window, navigate to the next line where the xargs are based on a tree of sources. Then, save your changes and run: $ cd.. $ clr $ git remote add test.source Run one or more editor commands (more detailed instructions are available here) and restart iMatlab. Test Parameters A custom Matlab source file (iVM#test.mpg file, file, etc) is required for the source. The Test Parameters are strings like those for your favorite test code editor like Matlab. If you include any extra content this file may be missing. The Test Parameters for Matlab For the new Matlab Visual Studio 2015 Visual Studio 2015 Visual Studio 2017 Visual Studio 2014 Visual Studio 2012